Shift to Action - A Guide to Bystander Intervention

We are pleased to share a pilot of a prototype developed by one of four community teams that were part of Shift Lab 2.0

Shift Lab was a five year partnership between our Action Lab Social enterprise and the Edmonton Community Foundation and aimed to co-create anti-racism interventions with a diverse cross section of Edmontonians.

Shift Lab came to a close in 2020, but we are happy that many of the prototypes continue to be taken up and spread by non-profit organizations and community members.

The latest prototype 'Shift to Action: A Guide to Bystander Intervention' is now in print in the November edition of Edify magazine and being seen by thousands of citizens all around Edmonton. This prototype aims to help bystanders in public places who witness racist outbursts to learn how to safely support, and protect.

Our Skills Society vision is a community where all individuals are valued citizens deserving respect, dignity and rights. The Shift Lab initiative was one contribution to community to help with our big picture vision. Check out the prototypes and learn more in the links below.


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