Skills Society Virtual Annual General Meeting

We hope you can join us for our Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 22nd via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm. As best we can, using an online platform, we will ‘come together’ with the people we serve, their families and friends, and supporters of Skills to check in and reflect on the year that’s gone by. The formal business portion of the event will take place from 6:00-7:00pm followed by a more informal program highlighting key moments from the past year. We appreciate your support, patience, and understanding as we’ve had to pivot and offer our AGM online - we hope we will be able to gather in person once again next year! 

Please see additional details below. We hope you can join us online!

Information Packages 

Information packages will be sent out via email. If you would prefer a paper copy of the AGM information package be mailed to you please email Linda at and let her know. 


In light of COVID-19 and moving the AGM to an online format, we have waived the membership fee this year. If you wish to become a member so you can vote during the AGM please email

How to RSVP and Register to Receive the Zoom Link

Please note this is an online event. To RSVP and  join us online you must register ahead of time. We ask you to register using the following link before 4pm on June 10th to allow us time to get the information packages out to you.  

To register for the Zoom meeting please click the link below: 

When you click the link you will be asked to enter your name and email. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Joining on the Day of the Event

We recommend you join 5-10 minutes early to give you time to troubleshoot if something is not working well. On the day of the event there will be three ways for you to join:

Join by Computer

To join by computer, follow the instructions provided in the email you received after registering. Joining by computer involves clicking a link and opening it in your web browser. *Please note - you may be prompted to download the Zoom application if you do not have it on your device. 

To join this way you will need:

  • Internet access

  • Webcam, microphone, and speaker on your computer

Join by Phone using the Zoom App

To join by phone using the Zoom App, follow the instructions provided in the email you received after registering. Joining by phone using the App involves clicking a link and opening it in the Zoom App on your device. *Please note - you may be prompted to download the Zoom application if you do not have it on your device. 

To join this way you will need:

  • Internet access

  • Camera, microphone, and speaker on your smartphone

Join by Phone by Calling In

To join by calling in, follow the instructions provided in the email you received after registering. Joining by phone involves calling a phone number and connecting. *Please note - you should only call a Canadian number, there may be numbers from other locations listed, please avoid using those as you may be charged long distance if you select a number other than a Canadian one.

To join this way you will need:

  • Cell phone or landline

Note, joining by calling in has limitations. This will allow you to listen in to the meeting but you will be unable to vote, view the presentation, use the chat function, or view others joining by video.   

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never used Zoom!

If you are new to Zoom check out this handy video about how to join a meeting. It goes over how to join and the system requirements you need to participate.

Do I need to purchase a membership to become a voting member? 

In light of COVID-19 and moving the AGM to an online format, we have waived the membership fee this year. If you wish to become a member so you can vote during the AGM please email

How will voting work?

There is a polling function on Zoom we will use for voting. At each point where a vote is required there will be a call for all voting members to indicate “in favor”, “opposed”, or “obstain” using the polling feature. 

A reminder that only those individuals with a membership can vote. Employees of Skills Society are not entitled to be members and therefore cannot vote. 

*Only those joining by computer or joining by phone using the Zoom App will be able to vote. If you are a voting member and wish to vote during the meeting please do NOT join by calling in. 

How will passing motions work?

When a motion is made, the moderator will invite voting members to indicate that they “first” and/or “second” the motion by typing in the chat box to indicate their support. 

I have a question about one of the do I ask it?

If you have a question about one of the motions during the meeting you can type your question in the chat function. We will have someone monitoring and moderating the chat box and they will notify the speaker when a question arises. To allow the meeting to progress, we ask that you only ask questions related to the motion being discussed in the chat box and save all other questions for after the meeting. 


Submit a Message of Gratitude for the AGM


May 15th 2020 COVID-19 Update